Our Impact

An ecosystem that connects and enables entrepreneurs to support entrepreneurs.

  • Convened the first Grey Bruce Entrepreneurship Ecosystem meetup. The ecosystem continues to meet quarterly and is open to any interested individuals supporting entrepreneurs in Grey Bruce.

  • Launched Catapult Grey Bruce website (February 2020) and monthly newsletters (January 2021) which are currently reaching about 100 people with high engagement rates.

  • Partnered with Georgian College’s Henry Bernick Entrepreneurship Centre (HBEC) to host its first virtual “Mentor Mash” for female entrepreneurs on March 10, 2021. The event sold out.

  • Partnered with The Hub Huron Kinloss and Business Enterprise Centre (BEC) to launch Wednesday Warmup Virtual Networking Events.

  • Attended the Startup Canada Summit in October 2022 to connect with other entrepreneur-led ecosystems across Canada.

This was the most invigorating event I’ve been to in a long time. I left feeling excited and motivated for the future of our local women entrepreneurs!
— Mentor Mash Participant

A local pipeline that nurtures innovation and growth.

  • Established business assessment to help businesses benchmark their progress.

  • Developed and launched a local mentorship program in December 2020 that has provided mentorship to 14 local entrepreneurs.

  • Building relationships with our community and stakeholders to better support marginalized entrepreneurs. (Ongoing)

I came in with my head in the clouds; my mentor has been very helpful to get my time management down & use the right tools to do that.
— Pilot Mentorship Program Participant

A healthy, sustainable not-for-profit organization.

  • Incorporated in September 2019 as the Grey Bruce Not-For-Profit Business Innovation Corporation. Established an operating name, logo and organization strategy in 2020.   

  • Hired first staff member part-time in October 2019.

  • Established a volunteer, private-sector led board. 

  • $92,500 raised in private sector donations, grants and sponsorship for operations October 2019 - March 31, 2021. *

* Catapult Grey Bruce officially started in the fall of 2019, but due to the pandemic and fiscal year end of March 31, was really only operational for twelve months over the fiscal years of 2019-20 and 2020-21.

Funding Sources

Thank You Sponsors and Founding Donors

CAtapult Grey Bruce would not exist without the financial and volunteer support of the local entrepreneurs & business leaders who had a vision for an accelerator and hustled to get this idea off the ground. Thank you!